Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìThe Pope is of so great authority and power that he is able to
modify, declare, or interpret even divine lawsÖThe Pope can
modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God,
and he acts as vicegerent of God upon earth with most ample
power of binding and loosing his sheep.î 44

The Catholic Church is quick to claim that they donít worship the images,
therefore it is not idolatry. It is called ìvenerationî, but this is playing word games
to give this practice the appearance of propriety. Veneration* is itself defined as a
form of worship.

When the question of bowing before images was addressed in the Second
Council of Nicaea in 787 AD, it was their decision that the pagan practice was
completely acceptable.

ìÖ[we proclaim that] those decrees, which were given in the
early days regarding the veneration of images of Christ, the
Blessed Virgin and the saints, be religiously observed.î 45

Those that were partakers of that council also made this declaration.

ìWe define with full precision and care that, like the
representation of the precious life-giving Cross, so the
venerated and holy images either painted or mosaic or made
of any other suitable material, should be exposed in holy
churches of God on sacred furnishings and vestments, on
walls and panels in homes and streets, be they images of the
Lord God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, or of our immaculate
Lady, the Holy Mother of God, of the holy angels, or of all the
saints and the just.î 46

Although there are many famous and infamous so-called teachers of the Word
that will disagree with this, the unholy tradition of man called Easter MUST be
forsaken! If Christians are to honor the Resurrection of Jesus as portrayed in
scripture, we should do so on the Passover.

ìNow we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord

Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that

walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received

of us.î 2 Thessalonians 3:6 (emphasis mine)

Because of the compromise of these so-called men of God, true believers have
adopted the pagan traditions of old as practiced by the Roman Catholic Church. It
is past time for the True Church to expose the works of the devil and return to the
celebrations that honor God.

  • The act of worshipping; worship. Funk and Wagnallís New International Dictionary

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