Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Obviously, going to the Mall and spending hundreds or even thousands of
dollars in the celebration of Christmas is not based on scripture. But those that
follow the traditions surrounding the holiday are quick to point out that many of the
stories concerning the season are from the Bible. However, these stories and
traditions have been twisted to support view that Christmas is Christian.

Take the Three kings from the East scenario for example. Classic movies,
Christmas plays and the carol We Three Kings, depict the scene of three kings
from the East presenting gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ child in the
manger. The fact that they gave gifts to the Lord is the excuse that many use to
justify the rational that people are supposed to give presents at Christmastime.
But the gifts were given to Christ, not Mary, Joseph or even to one another.

ìNow when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of

Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to

JerusalemÖthey presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense,

and myrrh.î Matthew 2:1, 11b

But if we look at the scripture in context, this image of three kings from the East
takes on a whole new meaning. To begin with, they are never called kings. Oft
times, the wise men are referred to as magi. The magi were astrologers from
Babylon and Persia that followed the ancient teachings of a so-called prophet
named Zoroaster.

ìZoroaster was already famous in classical antiquity as the
founder of the widely renowned wisdom of the Magi.î 1

ìÖhe became a legendary figure believed to be connected with
occult knowledge and magical practices in the Near Eastern
and Mediterranean world.î 2

Within the beliefs of this religion, there was the prophecy of a king of kings that
would be born among the Hebrew people. The planets and constellations held
great significance to these ancient astrologers. Jupiter represented a king, and the
constellation of Aries represented the Judaic kingdom. The sign of this birth would
be a celestial phenomenon that would appear in the west, toward the land of

Using computer technology we can now track the movement of the planets and
the stars even in the distant past. There are at least two theories concerning the
magi, and the sign of the birth of the king of kings.

In 7 BC, Jupiter and Saturn came together 3 times during the year ñ in May,
September and October. It is possible that this was the sign the magi were looking

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