Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

But the Roman Catholic Institution has added numerous holy days and
ceremonies to Gods calendar, most of which have been adopted by the so-called
Protestant Christian Church. All of which have their roots in the Pagan festivals of

Although the Roman Institution claims to be the "One True Church", the
evidence proves that it was born in ancient Babylon.

The pagan religious practices begun by Cush, Semiramis and Nimrod consisted

The worship of the Mother Goddess and Infant
Priests in black garments
The rosary
The celibacy of the priesthood
The doctrine of purgatory

Plus much other dogma and rituals one would find practiced in the modern
Roman Catholic Church.

And it is from that very system that we get the celebrations known as Christmas
and Easter.

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