Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Just as he accomplished with Eve, the devil has twisted what the LORD has
said to get man to honor the reincarnated sun god. He seems to be extremely
adept at this when it comes to religious leaders.

The modern day priests and pastors of the religion of the sun god continue in
the practices of the ancient ways, but now they perform them ìin the Name of

When a Roman Catholic priest is ordained, they also become known as alter
Christus, Latin for another Christ. Any man elected pope MUST come from the
Catholic priesthood.

Although a priest is another Christ, according to Roman Catholic Law, the Pope
is the Vicar (substitute) of Christ.

ìThe pope, who as visible head of the Church, the Mystical
Body of Christ, represents Christ on earth, and is therefore
supreme in authority.î 1

ì[the] Pope sits as Christ.î 2

There have been many interesting things stated and written by popes over the
centuries concerning how they view themselves. These perceptions have become
part of Catholic doctrine. Being the supreme authority of the Roman Institution,
Papal Bulls or official documents are issued to back up their outrageous claims.

Being Vicar of Christ, they see themselves sitting as God Almighty on the earth!

ìWe [the papacy] hold upon this earth the place of God
Almighty.î Pope Leo XIII

Subjection to the Pope of Rome is absolutely necessary for salvation!

ìWe declare, assert, define and pronounce: To be subject to
the Roman Pontiff is to every human creature altogether
necessary for salvation.î Pope Boniface VIII

When a man is ordained a Roman Catholic priest, he becomes so powerful, that
he tells God what to do. At his unction he can call the Son of God down from
heaven and turn him into bread and wine! This is truly a ìgreat sign and wonderî!

But Jesus warned us of these things.

ìFor there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall

[show] great signs and wonders [turning bread and wine into God];

insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very

elect. Behold, I have told you before.î Matthew 24:24-25
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