Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

This principality seeks to accomplish Satanís desire to be worshipped as God,
and has found its place in the religions of world. One of the ways that this is
achieved is through the exaltation of motherhood. Now she is called the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

The spirit of Motherhood

Other than the Gift of Eternal life through Christ and the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit, becoming a parent is by far one of the greatest blessings that the LORD
has bestowed on man. But just as the spirit of Christmas has nothing to do with
Christ, the spirit of motherhood has nothing to do with being a mother.

This spirit is about the supernatural adoration and worship of motherhood!
Using guilt and manipulation to get what it wants, this spirit sets out to prove that
mother is the only source of true love and acceptance.

This can be found in phrases such as ìHe has the face only a mother could
love!î or the famous ìI want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dadî. Many
times a man will seek a wife just like their mother. This is because they have been
conditioned to ìseeî their mother as fulfillment, and they desire to continue in that
same spirit.

ìWhat would your mother think?î is a question that has been used to control or
sway a person long after their mother has died; and more than one angry mother
has used the line ìI gave you lifeî to coerce her child to submit to her will.

The classic jokes about Jewish mothers or the mother-in-law syndrome may
seem funny; but they are merely telltale evidence of the influence of this

The diabolical purpose of this spirit is to influence man to take their eyes off of
the Lord, and focus on what his mother thinks!

ìThis was Satanís masterplan to usurp the sovereignty of
Almighty God by exalting woman over man, mother over son,
queen over king and ultimately the Queen of heaven over the

King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.î 2

In the Word of God, the LORD has established the hierarchy of the Church, the
home and relationships. The husband is to be the head of the household, NOT the
wife. Thus making the man the leader of his house.

ìBut I would have you know, that the head of every man is

Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of

Christ is God.î 1 Corinthians 11:3
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