Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

In our day, John Hagee, a very well known television pastor and author, also
surrendered to the spirit of the Queen of heaven, violated his wedding vows and
committed adultery with one of his congregates. In 1975 he was removed from his
position of pastor at Trinity Church, divorced his wife and then married the woman
that took part in the demise of his first marriage. He quickly took the job as pastor
of what has become known as Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. This
congregation now boasts an attendance of 17,000. His biography on the web site
for Cornerstone omits the adultery but extols this so called man of God. Quoting
Hagee it states:

ìAmerica stands at the crossroads. Our destiny as a nation
hangs in the balance. America's hope for survival is the
anointed preaching of the gospel with such force that the
chains of drug addiction, AIDS, Satanism, homosexuality,
pornography, divorce and drunkenness are broken.î 5

Apparently the anointed preaching he speaks of was not ìanointed enoughî to
stop him from committing adultery. John Hagee has a track record of increasing
the numbers of attendants to a church, and consequently bringing in more money.
Apparently, those that picked him to pastor Cornerstone Church are either
ignorant of the scriptures in 1 Timothy chapter 3, or were more interested in
bringing in bodies and dollars rather than following the dictates of New Testament

ìThis is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he

desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the

husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to

hospitality, apt to teachÖLet the deacons be the husbands of one

wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.î

1 Timothy 3:1-2; 12

In these Latter Days, we now have women appointed as pastors, or co-pastors
within many mainline denominations such as the Methodist Church. The Church of
God based in Anderson, Indiana boasts that it was founded in 1881 on the idea of
following the leadership of the Holy Spirit, with the Bible as their only statement of
beliefs. In the early 20th Century 32% of their churches were being led by women.

ìStatistically, the number of women ministers in the Church
of God (Anderson, IN) saw its largest growth in the five year
period beginning in 1920, reaching its peak in 1925 when
32% of Church of God (Anderson, IN) congregations were
pastored by womenÖî 6

The number of women holding the office of ìpastorî within this non-
denominational denomination has been in steady decline. One of the reasons
given by Pastor Huber one of the leaders of Church of God:

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