Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

This perpetuates the error and causes the man and the woman to slip more and
more under the dominion of the Queen of heaven.

This is exactly what the devil wants because it keeps the man and the woman in
bondage. In the godly order of man as the head and the woman as the helpmate,
true freedom in Christ can be attained for both and it effects everyone around

The Baby Jesus

Another expression of the principality of the Queen of heaven in relation to
Christmas is to portray Jesus Christ as a babe in a manger. In an effort to continue
this idea of the Lord Jesus as an infant in the minds of man, we have all of the
depictions of Him as a baby, complete with the elaborate celebrations of His birth.
The title Prince of Peace has been attributed to this particular impression. But the
Bible never states that the Prince is an infant.

ìFor unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the

government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be

called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The

everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.î Isaiah 9:6

But this also is right in line with the spirit of motherhood, for even in the modern
world a prince is subject to the queen. These perceptions are demonically
designed to keep us trapped in the idea of an infant Christ under the influence of
His mother.

Capturing the ancient images

32. The Mother of God

Infant, we have Christmas
cards with the picture of ìMary
and the Baby Jesusî many
times complete with the nimbus.
As far as Christmas is
concerned, portraying the Lord
Jesus as a babe is essential.

For the spirit of Christmas to maintain its hold on man, the Blessed Virgin has to
be kept in the forefront. This is accomplished by skewing the perception of Jesus
in His capacity of the risen Lord.

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