Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
It is the Mother of God that saves us!

ìIt is impossible for anyone to perish who attentively, and
with humility, cultivates devotion towards this divine
Mother.î 13

The writings of de Liguori affirm that the Blessed Virgin is the savior of the
Roman Institution!

ìHe who has not recourse* to Mary is lost; but who was ever
lost that had recourse to the most Blessed Virgin?î 14 (emphasis

ìMary is the one that will deliver us from death.î 15

Over the centuries the popes have also written many things concerning Mary.
These encyclicals have become official church doctrine about her life, devotion to
her and the Blessed Virginís necessity in the Roman Church.

We will let those things written speak for themselves.

A Papal Bull issued by Pope Pius IX stated,

ìWe could not find a more powerful protectress or [anyone]
more irresistible before God. She is for us the best of
mothers, our safest confidante and in fact the very motive
for our hope; she always obtains all she asks for and her
prayer is always heard.î 16 (emphasis mine)

Pope Leo XIII claimed that Mary is the intermediary or intercessor that all must
pass through to get to the Lord Jesus.

ìWith equal truth may it be also affirmed that, by the will of
God, Mary is the intermediary through whom is distributed
unto us this immense treasure of mercies gathered by God,
for mercy and truth were created by Jesus Christ. Thus as no
man [goes] to the Father but by the Son, so no man [goes] to
Christ but by His Mother. All men, moreover, are filled with
the hope and confidence that petitions which might be
received with less favour from the lips of unworthy men, God
will accept when they are recommended by the most Holy
Mother, and will grant with all favours.î 17

  • ìgoing to with a request, as for aidî New Websterís Expanded Dictionary, 1994 Edition

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