Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ì was a mother's hand that guided the bullet's path.î 24

ìToward the end of his reign, Pope John Paul II has been
heavily promoting his Roman Catholic goddess, the Virgin
Mary. Throughout his term as pope, he has consistently
focused on Mary rather than Jesus. He began by placing a
large "M" on his coat of arms. His personal motto translates,
"Mary, I am all yours." Later, when assassin Aqca wounded
him, he repeatedly and publicly thanked Mary rather than
Jesus for saving his life. For several months he has used one
of his weekly Vatican appearances to describe how she is the
ëMother of Godí, ëMother of the Churchí, etc.î 25

In another step to honor the Blessed Virgin for saving him from the assassinís
bullet, the entire world was given to Mary.

ìAs is well known, Pope John Paul II immediately thought of
consecrating the world toÖMary and he himself composed a
prayer for what he called an Act of Entrustment. ëIn entrusting
to you, O Mother, the world, all individuals and peoples, we
also entrust to you this very consecration of the world, placing
it in your motherly Heart.íî 26

His devotion is so profound towards the Blessed Virgin that Pope John Paul II is
pushing to officially establish Mary as the Co-Redeemer, a necessary step in
making her equal with God in Catholic canon.

ìLately, there has been speculation as to whether he will use
his infallibility to raise her to the next level of ëCo-redeemerí,
ëCo-mediatorí, and ëAdvocate of the people of God.íî 27

ìIn 1997 he established a special commission of twenty-three
scholars to consider defining Mary as Co-Redemptrix of the
human race.î 28

On the 25th anniversary of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II addressed tens of
thousands of faithful at the Vatican and poured out his adoration to the Catholic
goddess. Once again showing that in the minds of the Roman Institution, the
Blessed Virgin is above all!

ìI renew, in the hands of Mary, beloved Mother, the gift of
myself, of the present and the future: everything will be
done according to your will.î 29 (emphasis mine)
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