Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Some of the concepts begun in Babylon surrounding the Mother Goddess were
that she is a divine perpetual Virgin, born without sin; mediator between god and
man, and ascended to the heavens without ever experiencing death, etc. The
Catholic Church has adopted every single one and applied them to the Blessed

However, these are not Christian doctrines based on scripture, but demonically
inspired dogma and traditions of man aimed at taking the focus of the True Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ.

An added blasphemy to the roster of Roman abominations is the theft of
scriptures that refer to the Lord Jesus and applying them to the Blessed Virgin.

ìThe whole Trinity, O Mary, gave thee a name after that of
thy Son above every other name, that in thy name every
knee should bow, of things in heaven, on earth and under
the earth.î 36

This is a perversion of a scripture that applies only to the Lord Jesus Christ!

ìThat at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in

heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.î

Philippians 2:10

Catholic teaching dictates that the Blessed Virgin rules over the Roman
Institution. This IS a true statement. Indeed, the Queen of Heaven has complete
dominion over the Holy Roman Catholic Church!

ìGod has placed the whole Church, not only under her
patronage (guardianship), but even under the dominion of
Mary.î 37 (emphasis mine)

This is also expressed in the title Mother Superior, given to the nun that runs a
convent. But thanks be to God that Jesus Christ is the head of the True Church.

ìAnd he is the head of the body, the churchÖî Colossians 1:18

He is above every dominion, including the Queen of Heaven!

ì(Christ is) Far above all principality, and power, and might, and

dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world,

but also in that which is to come.î Ephesians 1:22 (emphasis mine)
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