Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Just watch some Christians as they approach a Nativity Scene. By the
overwhelming emotional response, you would think that the actual Baby Jesus
was lying there.

The practice of making statuettes in the shapes of gods also comes from
ancient Babylon. Like the tree, itís something that was wholly born in ancient
times as idolatry.

Itís a Heart Thing

Many dedicated Christians have told me that they know about some, or even
most of the roots of this so-called birthday of Christ. They justify partaking in the
ancient sun god rites by claiming that ìGod knows my heart, and that I am doing
this for Him, to truly honor the Lord Jesus. Iím spitting in the devils face by
celebrating the Lord on this day.î

But I wonder how would you feel if someone honored your birthday on a
demonic holiday, just to get back at the Satan? Are you really ìspitting in the face
of the devil?î

A scripture in the Bible states:

ìO generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good

things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth

speaketh.î Matthew 12:34 (emphasis mine)

During the Christmas season, is your conversation laden with talk about Jesus
Christ and how thankful you are for His gift of Eternal life? Or are the main topics
about shopping, parking, family get-togethers, and the stress of finding that
perfect gift or the other things of the holidays?

Are you allowing idols of Christmas into or upon your house or church?

Is the Tammuz tree a prominent adornment in your home or church during the

Is your dwelling bedecked with a wreath, garlands of evergreen, mistletoe and

Are you allowing the greed and covetousness for gifts to cloud your

Someone once put it is like this:

ìIf a man commits adultery, and gets caught, he might tell his
wife. ëHoney, it was only sex, in my heart I really love you! It didnít
mean anything.íî
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