Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Paul Crouch and the Protestant Reformation

Paul Crouch also claims to be a descendent of the Protestant Reformer Ulrich
Zwingli. 16

ìZwingli rose through the ranks of the Catholic Church until
he was appointed ëPeople's Priestí in 1519, the most
powerful ecclesiastical position in the city. However, by 1519
he had bought fully into Luther's reform program and began
to steadily shift the city over to the practices of the new
Protest church. In 1523, the city officially adopted Zwingli's
central ecclesiastical reforms and became the first
Protestant State outside of Germany. From there the
Protestant revolution would sweep across the map of
Switzerland.î 17

If Paul Crouch really is a direct descendent of Zwingli, his view of the Eucharist
is in direct opposition to that of his ancestor.

ìZwingli believed that the Eucharist only symbolized the
body and blood of Christ.î 18

As previously noted, the views of Martin Luther had a profound effect on Ulrich
Zwingli. After observing the fruits of the Roman Church, Luther came to a
stunning conclusion based on the scriptures.

ìI now know of a certainty that the papacy is the kingdom of
Babylon.î 19

Following the lead of his brother in false Christianity, the pope of Rome; Paul
Crouch has taken aim at Martin Luther, and in principle, the Reformation as a
whole. Paul Crouch believes that Martin Luther made a mistake by leaving the
Roman Church.

ìI have come to the conviction that Martin Luther made a
mistake. He should never have left the Roman Catholic
Church. I am eradicating the word Protestant out of my
vocabulary. I am not protesting anything.î 20

Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of faithful Christians have paid
the ultimate price with their very lives standing against the errors and doctrines
of the Mother Church in Rome. During the Reformation, they were labeled
Protestants by the Roman pontiff. By eradicating the word Protestant from his
vocabulary, Paul Crouch has spit upon the graves of these faithful saints and
justified the Roman Church in her execution of those believers!

I can just see the pope in Rome sitting back and smiling at his conquest of so-
called Christian television.

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