Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

This god gradually so outshone the other deities of that time, that all of the rest
of the gods were looked upon as mere manifestations of Marduk.

According to some historians, Molech and Bel-Marduk were interchangeable
names for the same god. In other lands like Egypt, Bel-Marduk became known
as Baal.

Since Nimrod had been transformed into Bel-Marduk, the king of the gods, this
exalted Semiramis to the status of a goddess. She became the Great Mother

Goddess and the Queen of Heaven!

Considering that the symbol of Bel-Marduk was the sun, hers was to be the
moon ñ for she would ìreflect the glory of Bel-Marduk to the people, just as the
moon reflects the suns raysî.

Now that she was the supreme goddess, and her son was the greatest god,
anyone that wanted to belong to her religion had to take secret oaths and vows.

One of the conditions of her new religion was the confessional. She set them
up so that the people could confess their sins to her priests and receive
absolution (forgiveness). By learning all of the dirty little secrets that the people
did not want publicly exposed, she gained more and more control over the
followers. It was blackmail and witchcraft in its purest form. She then convinced
the people that only she and her priests understood the great mysteries of God. 3
The people bought it, hook, line and sinker! There was absolutely no reason for
the people to reject anything she said. After all, she was the Mother of God.

Sometime after her declaration of goddess-hood, and while claiming that she
was still a virgin, (even though she had already borne at least one child)
Semiramis became pregnant with an illegitimate son she named Damu. The
Hebrew translation of which is Tammuz. After he was born, she said that
overnight an evergreen tree had grown up out of a dead stump. This was ìproofî
that Nimrod had been reincarnated into her infant son, making Tammuz the sun
god in human form.

Idols and idol altars began
springing up all over Babylon to
honor the new ìmother goddess
and the infantî. It was the statue
of a woman and a child.
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