Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
The god-hood of believers is revelation knowledge according to Pastor Hinn.

ìAre you ready for some real revelation are
godî 9

Perhaps it is just coincidence, or maybe this revelation knowledge of the little
god-hood of believers is why whenever Benny Hinn holds a Crusade, he comes
up on stage while the classic hymn ìHow Great Thou Artî is playing?

Benny Hinn is not alone in his belief that Christians are little gods. John Avazini,
another frequent guest on TBN, especially during Praise-a-thonís, must also see
himself as a little god. According to John Avazini, Christians can command God.

ìGod says, ëTell Me what you want me to do.í What do you
need, what do you want? Command Him (God)!î 10

Ken Copeland is also one of the anointed that proclaims the little god theology.

ìEvery Christian is a godÖYou donít have a god in you, you
are one.î 11 (emphasis mine)

It should come as no surprise that Pastor Bennyís good friend Paul Crouch
also enthusiastically adheres to the little god doctrine.

ìDo you know what else that's settled then tonight? This
hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the
devil to try to bring dissension within the body of Christ that
we are gods. I am a little god. I have His name. I am one
with Him. I'm in covenant relation. I am a little god. Critics
be gone! You are everything that He is.î 12

Although Paul Crouch attributes the critique of this teaching to Satan trying to
divide the Body of Christ, the truth is that the devil is the very one that came up
with it!

ìAnd the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes

shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and

evil.î Genesis 3:4-5 (emphasis mine)

This little god heresy reminds one of Mini Me, the miniature clone of Doctor
Evil in Austin Powers, the Spy Who Shagged Me. According to this belief,
Christians are mini messiahs.

Since Christians are mini-messiahs, they are not human anymore. Notice that
Pastor Hinn uses the term the son of God ñ not a son of God. If you donít buy
into the ìIím a little godî heresy of Benny Hinn, he thinks your crazy!

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