Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The god-hood of believers as professed by Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch [et al] is
more closely related to the doctrines of Mormonism than that of Biblical

ìAs man is, God once was; as God is, man may be.î 18

Benny Hinn, Ken Copeland, Paul Crouch and their comrades in deception also
sound amazingly close to the Eastern cultic religions like Transcendental

ìLikewise we can expect this talk form the gurus. Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi says ëman is divine, the inner man is fully
divine. Be still and know you are God. When you know you

are God you will begin to live Godhood.íî 19

For someone as divine as the little messiah Benny Hinn, the acquisition of
money seems to be a big motivator!

ìYears ago they used to preach, ëO we are going to walk on
streets of gold.í I would say, ëI don't need the gold up there.

I've got to have it down here.íî 20

True to his tactics of religious coercion, Benny used the Praise-a-thon forum to
brow beat the audience, claiming that those that donít give money (to his ministry
or TBN) are of the devil.

ìWhen you don't give money, it shows that you have the
devil's nature.î 21

This is, of course, because Benny Hinnís regular appearances on TBN are for
the mutual financial benefit of Paul Crouch and himself. When he is there,
especially during the Praise-a-thonís, donations go way up. So it is in their best
interest if Benny bullies those who are reluctant to give.

ìSome of you need to give large sums tonight. Donít you give
those small sums if you have the large sumsÖsome of you
watching right now have money in the bank. Youíre gonna
leave it behind. You may even lose it unless you obey God
tonight.î 22

The flipside of the prosperity coin is that Pastor Benny often prophesies about
the wonderful things that the Lord is going to do through TBN and those that
have the ìfaithî to support their endeavors.

Again, as if the Lord was speaking directly to him at that very moment, Benny
Hinn made the proclamation:

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