Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 40

The One World Church

The religious hucksters of TBN are only one piece of the ecumenical puzzle in
these Last Days. Under the guise of love and unity, the stage is being set for the
Antichrist and the One World Church to take hold.

As Paul Crouch asked the pope of Rome ñ

ìÖwhen the walls between Protestants and Catholics would
come down and the church would be one as Jesus asked the
Father?î 1

ñ one of the greatest movements of ecumenism since the Emperor
Constantine ruled the Roman Empire is happening today.

In 1994 a statement of unity entitled Evangelicals and Catholics Together was
proclaimed as one of the major steps in helping to tear down the walls between
Catholics and Protestants.

ìThe declaration, initiated by [Charles] Colson, chairman of
Prison Fellowship Ministries, and Father Richard John
Neuhaus of the Institute on Religion and Public Life,
declares: ëWe together, evangelicals and Catholics, confess
our sins against the unity that Christ intends for all his
disciples.íî 2

ìWhen Fr. Neuhaus asked Pope John Paul II what he hopes
most to accomplish in his papacy, he said immediately,
without skipping a beat: ëAdvance Christian unity.íî 3

Evangelicals and Catholics Together was signed and endorsed by 39 scholars
and so-called Christian leaders. One of which was Pat Robertson, founder and
CEO of the 700 Club. Robertson was quoted as saying:

ìThe time has come when we must lay aside minor points
of doctrinal differences and focus on the centralization of
our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.î 4 (emphasis mine)

Apparently, Pat Robertson also embraces his holiness the pope of Rome and
sees doctrines that encourage devotion to the Roman goddess, salvation by
works and bowing to idols as minor points.

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