Pope John Paul II has taken up the call to arms to unite the entire world
(especially Christians), and bring them back to Mother Church with undaunted
zeal! But he makes it clear that the Catholic Church is the final authority as to
what is and is not truth.
ìIt is also clear that ecumenical commissions have very
specific responsibilities and tasks in this regard. The whole
process is followed and encouraged by the Bishops and the
Holy See. The Church's teaching authority is responsible for
expressing a definitive judgment.î 14
Evangelicals and Catholics Together is a smokescreen designed to bring those
whose beliefs are fundamentally opposed to Roman canon, back under the
blanket of the Catholic Church. Although this declaration was made out to look
as if there is open discussion and acceptance of the differences between
Evangelicals and Catholics, the truth is that it is a cleverly crafted ruse instigated
to lull Christians into a sense of safety. Ultimately, all that surrender to the spirit
of ecumenism will come under she who has dominion over the Catholic Church,
the Roman goddess.
ìGod has placed the whole Church, not only under her
patronage (guardianship), but even under the dominion of
Mary.î 15 (emphasis mine)
ìTo follow these criteria is a commitment of each of the
parties which desire to enter into dialogue and it is a
precondition for starting such dialogue. It is necessary to
pass from antagonism and conflict to a situation where each
party recognizes the other as a partner. When undertaking
dialogue, each side must presuppose in the other a
desire for reconciliation, for unity in truth. For this to
happen, any display of mutual opposition must disappear.
Only thus will dialogue help to overcome division and
lead us closer to unity.î 16 (emphasis mine)
In the eyes of the Pope John Paul II however, this unity within the Christian
Church will only be established when those who disagree with any of the Roman
Institutionís teachings forsake their opposition and acknowledge that the only
true church, is the Holy Roman Catholic Church!
ìCatholic theologians engaged in ecumenical dialogue, while
standing fast by the teaching of the Church and
searching together with separated brothers and sisters into
the divine mysteries, should act with love for truth, with
charity, and with humility.î 17 (emphasis mine)