Hitler learned much from how the Catholic Church conducted itself during the
Spanish Inquisition. Those guilty of heresy (many of which were Jews) were
required to wear robes with a yellow ìXî across the front and back. Under the
reign of Hitler, Jews were required to wear a yellow Star of David.
Hitler admitted that the Jesuits were of great importance to him.
ìI learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now,
there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth,
then the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I
transferred much of this organization into my own party.î 32
The Jesuits were the role model for Hitlerís infamous S.S.
ìThe S.S. organization had been constituted by [general]
Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.î 33
ìThe Third Reich is the first world power which not only
acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles
of the papacy.î 34
Putting aside the views held by the Catholic Church concerning the people of
Israel, John Paul II was the first pope to ever visit a synagogue. In April of 1986,
he made an unexpected visit to the main synagogue in Rome and prayed with
Rabbi Elio Toaff.
In December of 1993, he signed an accord on basic principles regulating
diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Israel. In 1994 Pope John Paul II
took one of the most historic steps of his papacy by establishing relations
between the Holy See in Rome and the State of Israel.
On the 25th Anniversary of his papacy, Glen A. Tobias, ADL (Anti-Defamation
League) National Chairman, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director,
issued the following statement:
ìThe Anti-Defamation League congratulates Pope John Paul
II on the 25th anniversary of his papacy. His deep
commitment to reconciliation between the Catholic Church
and the Jewish people has been fundamental to his papacy.
Jews throughout the world are deeply grateful to the Pope.
He has defended the Jewish people at all times, as a priest
in his native Poland and during his pontificate....We pray
that he remains healthy for many years to come, that he
achieves much success in his holy work and that Catholic-
Jewish relations continue to flourish.î 35