Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Although the Chi-Rho, or Labarum, has come to be known as a strictly
Christian symbol, the true root of the Celestial Sign can be found in
Constantineís adherence to Mithra. This emblem originates in the ancient
religious practices of sun god worship. According to the traditions of Mithraism,
when there was a brand new initiate into the astrological secrets of the cult, the
sign (a Labarum) was placed on the forehead.

The Labarum is also tied to Egypt. Pharaoh actually means ìsun-godî and they
were considered to be the sun god in human form living with man. When
Pharaoh sat on the throne and proclaimed the law he held two rods in each
hand, the scepter and the flail. As a symbol of authority, they were crossed over
his chest. The following picture shows the scepter and flail crossed over the
chest on the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamen.

If you look closely at the
picture on the right, you can
see the resemblance to the
Labarum. The letter ìPî is the
body and the head. The
crossed rods are the letter

The Labarum is also a form of
the ìtauî (left), the Egyptian
symbol of eternal life. Prevalent
in ancient hieroglyphics, it is the
handled cross called an Ankh.
Wherever there are depictions of
the sun god Ra, you will find this

A form of the Ankh is also
the sign of Venus, meaning
that all life comes from the
goddess (right).

ìÖthe goddess of fertility, love, and beauty in Greek
mythology. Venus symbolized the creative force that
sustains all life.î 9
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