Time for a Change
Long ago, people that had no desire to follow the One True God started the
traditions, trappings and spirit of idolatry that eventually became known as
Christmas. Before the lies was ever written down, they were passed by word of
mouth from person to person.
ìEven so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things
(Like Semiramis declaring herself the Queen of Heaven and Nimrod
the sun god). Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!î
James 3:5
And like Yule logs in the fire, the spirit of Christmas, the error of Easter and the
harlotry of ecumenism burn bright in the churches of our day. But just as it takes
a specialist to remove the stench of smoke from anything damaged in a fire, it
takes the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to purify our hearts from the
As King David cried out, so should we!
ìSearch me, O God and know my heart: try me, and know my
thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me
in the way everlasting.ì Psalm 139:23-24
ìCreate in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit
within me.î Psalm 51:10
Another scripture states:
ìMy people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.î Hosea 4:6
Beginning with the Emperor Constantine and continuing for almost 1800 years,
popes, prelates, doctors and priests have been deceiving and ravaging the very
ones that Christ died for.
While modern day prophets, pastors and preachers have withheld this
knowledge from the Body of Christ.
Mirroring Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Lord Jesus, these leaders have
betrayed the Body of Christ. Knowing the truth about Christmas and Easter, they
refuse to deal in truth and still teach and encourage their congregations to
participate in the festivities.
Carols, pageants, trees, nativity scenes, bunny rabbits, eggs, etc. are the
common threads that unite the true with the false. Corrupting everything they all