Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 27 The Roman ñ Babylon Connection

  1. H.P. Blavatsky, ìThe Theosophical Glossaryî, p. 294

Chapter 28 Tradition or Truth?

  1. Wikipedia online, ìZoroasterî

  2. Temple of Zoroaster online

  3. Adam Clarke Commentary, Volume 5 p. 370 New York Edition

Chapter 30 Happy Birthday to Who?

  1. ìA Catholic Dictionaryî, Donald Attwater, Ed., The Macmillan Company: New York 1942

  2. John Harden, ìThe Modern Catholic Dictionaryî 1980

Chapter 31 The spirit of Christmas

  1. Edwin and Jody Mitchell, ìThe Mystery of Babylon Revealedî, p. 23

  2. Ibid. pp. 23, 24

  3. Ibid. p. 67

  4. Ibid. p. 67

  5. Cornerstone Church web page, ìPastor John Hagee: the Man and his Ministryî

  6. Cassie Hillman, ìCalled or Controlled: Issues Surrounding Women in the Ministryî
    cited on the Church of God, Anderson Indiana official web page.

  7. Ibid.

Chapter 32 The Mother of God

  1. Pope Paul VI, ìIndulgentarium Doctrina; Apostolic Constitution on Indulgencesî January 1, 1967

  2. ìCatechism of the Catholic Church, the Profession of Faithî, Section Two Paragraph 6
    Mary ñ Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church

  3. Pope John Paul II, ìTertio Millennio Advenienteî 1994

  4. Pope John Paul II, ìRedemptoris Materî Encyclical Letter March 25, 1987

  5. Pope John Paul II, ìEcclesia in Americaî, Mexico City, January 22, 1999

  6. Pope Benedict X ìFausto Appetente Dieî, Encyclical of

  7. Garry Willis, ìPapal Sinî, p. 204 Doubleday, NY 2000

  8. Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, ìThe Glories of Maryî, p. 14 The Redemptorist Fathers, New York 1931

  9. ìCatholic Record of London, Ontarioî, Sept 1, 1923

  10. Alphonsus de Liguori, ìThe Glories of Maryî p. 124

  11. Ibid. p. 182

  12. Ibid. p. 123

  13. Ibid. p. 123

  14. Ibid. p. 124

  15. Garry Willis, ìPapal Sinî, p. 211

  16. James G. McCarthy, ìThe Gospel According to Romeî, p. 215 Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR 1995

  17. Pope Leo XIII, ìOctobre Menseî

  18. James G. McCarthy, ìThe Gospel According to Romeî, p. 215

  19. Alphonsus de Liguori, ìThe Glories of Maryî p. 180

  20. Ibid. p.181

  21. Pope Pius IX, ìConception of the Virgin Maryî 1854

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