Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 37 Accountability

  1. Charles Spurgeon, ìFeeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?î

  2. Paul Crouch, ìTBN Praise-a-thonî November 2, 3003

  3. Jan Crouch, TBN 11/11/2003

  4. Texe Marrs, ìFlashpoint Newsletterî 12/96

  5. TBN Newsletter September 2003 Vol. XXX Num. IX

  6. Plains Baptist Challenger, June 1984

  7. Jack Chick, ìSmokescreensî p. 49 Chick Publications, CA 1983

  8. Christianity Today, Sept. 3, 1991

  9. G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, ìThe Confusing World Of Benny Hinnî, pp. 132-133
    quoting ìPraise The Lord Showî, Trinity Broadcasting network, December 27, 1994.

  10. Benny Hinn, ìThe Bloodî pp. 161-165 as cited on

  11. Trinity Broadcasting Network, February 11, 1992

  12. Witness Inc. News, Spring 1994

  13. TBN, ìBehind the Scenesî 11/13/2003

  14. CIB Bulletin, July 1991

  15. TBN Newsletter, 2/95

  16. Jackie Alnor, ìBenny Hinnís Strange Visitors; Angels or Aliensî, The Christian Sentinel webpage 2002

  17. World Civilizations home page, ìUlrich Zwingliî

  18. Ibid.

  19. Martin Luther, ìThe Babylonian Captivity of the Churchî p. 5 1520

  20. Paul Crouch, Praise the Lord program broadcast on TBN 10/17/89

  21. Paul Crouch, ìPraise-a-thonî broadcast on TBN, 4/2/91

  22. Paul Crouch, TBN, 11/7/97

  23. TBN Productions, ìMegiddo ñ Omega Code IIî, 2001

  24. Benny Hinn, ìPraise-a-thonî broadcast on TBN 11/8/90

  25. Benny Hinn, ìChristianity Todayî, Oct. 5, 1992

Chapter 38 Benny Hinn, TBN and Rome

  1. TBN, "Praise The Lord" 12/29/02

  2. Benny Hinn, Praise the Lord, broadcast on TBN June 8, 1998

  3. Benny Hinn, TBN September 10, 1999

  4. Benny Hinn, TBN October 23 1992

  5. Benny Hinn, "Benny Hinn" program on TBN November 3, 1990

  6. Benny Hinn, ìPraise-a-thonî TBN November 6, 1990

  7. Benny Hinn TBN, 1990

  8. Benny Hinn, TBN December 1, 1990

  9. Benny Hinn, "Our Position In Christî tape #AO31190-1

  10. John Avanzini, TBN ìPraise-a-thonî November 2, 2003

  11. Kenneth Copeland, ìThe Force of Loveî audiotape Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX, 1987

  12. Paul Crouch, "Praise the Lordî July 7, 1986

  13. Benny Hinn, ìOur Position in Christ # 2 -The Word Made Fleshî Orlando Christian Center, 1991

  14. The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII p. 304, Benziger Brothers 1903

  15. Lucius Ferraris, ìPrompta Bibliothecaî Papa Article 1

  16. Benny Hinn, ìPraise-a-thonî November 1990

  17. Brigham Young, ìJournal of Discourses, Vol. 1î p. 50

  18. James E. Talmage (LDS Apostle), ìArticles of Faithî pp.430 ñ431

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