Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìConstantine I, whom conventional history hails as the first
Christian emperor, was actually a worshipper of the sun god,
whose image he placed on coins, dedicated to ëthe invincible
sun, my guardian.íî 2

ì...(Constantine) hailed the Sun as his [guardian] god, and
persistently portrayed the same deity on his coinage as his
invincible companion.î 3

This is a picture of a coin that Constantine minted. Note the back of the coin on
the right. There you can see the ìXî ñ the sign of Ham.

It is interesting to note that Pope Innocent the XII (1691 ñ 1700) minted a coin to
support the war against Islam in Turkey. Notice the similarities of the images on
the backs of both coins.

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