Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 11

A Day to be Honored

In all of the places that practiced the rituals begun by Nimrod and his family,
December 25th was the day of the feast to honor the re-birth of the sun god.

The cult of Sol Invictus also held December 25th as a major birth festival.

ìEach year as the days became noticeably shorter in
November and December, the Roman citizens feared that the
earth may be ëdyingí. With the ëreturn of the suní at the end of
December resulting in longer days, the Romans celebrated
the ëFeast of the Sol Invictusí (Unconquerable Sun) on
December 25.î 1

In Pagan Rome it was also called the Saturnalia, the feast of Saturn.

ìThe Saturnalia was the most popular holiday of the Roman
yearÖî 2

That particular date was also considered to be the re-birth day of Mithra by his
followers. At the time of the Winter Solstice, adherents of the cult of Mithra
celebrated the birthday of their sun god with a festival called ìdies natalis Solis
Invictiî, which is Latin for the ìbirthday of the unconquered sunî. In 270 AD
Emperor Aurelian officially declared December 25th as the ìBirthday of Mithraî.

Our modern day calendar is also a product of Roman influence. The ìGregorian
calendarî was named after Pope Gregory XIII, who instituted it in 1582. The
previous calendar, known as the ìJulian calendarî, was commissioned by Julius
Caesar in 45 BC.

ìOur calendar is not Christian in origin. It descends directly
from the Egyptians, who originated the 12 month year, 365
day system. A pagan Egyptian scientist, Sosigenes, suggested
this plan to the pagan Emperor Julius Caesar, who directed
that it go into effect throughout the Roman Empire in 45 B.C.
As adopted it indicated its pagan origin by the names of the
monthsócalled after Janus, Maia, Juno, etc.î 3

December 25th on the Julian calendar was the date for the Winter Solstice and
became the date to honor the Birth of Christ in 336 AD. When Pope Gregory
revised the calendar, the Winter Solstice fell on December 21st but he kept the
tradition of honoring the Birth of Christ on the 25th.

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