Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 12

You Canít See the Forest for the Trees

The Saturnalia festival is known in other parts of the world as the Winter
Solstice, the pagan worship associated with witchcraft.

ìLinked to the rebirth/renewal of the sunÖin the ancient
[myths] the sun god is born at the Winter SolsticeÖî 1

But whether you call it Winter Solstice or Saturnalia, it is a festival loaded with
demonic symbolism.

ìSaturnalia was an ancient Roman festival held in December
that contained many of the elements of pre-Christian
paganism.î 2

As indicated in this picture of an
Assyrian artifact, trees had
always been a part of ancient
religious practices.

ìTree worship is a very
ancient practiceÖ[in Greco-
Roman mythology] the gods
themselves transform into
trees.î 3

The evergreen tree was the tree of choice during the Saturnalia celebration.

ìThe evergreen pine is a perennial sacred symbol of the
Winter Solstice, with its origin in early pagan celebrations.î 4

ìIn pagan mythology, evergreen means eternal lifeÖî 5

ìEvergreen treesÖwere worshipped as symbols of life,
immortality, fertility, sexual potency and reproduction.î 6

Wreaths made of evergreen branches, were also part of the celebration.

They would be hung on doors, walls and other parts of a personís home. An
evergreen tree would be decorated with shiny orbs, and lit candles adorned the
room. The orbs represented the sun, the moon or the virility of men. The reflected
light from the candles represented the sunís rays or the moon reflecting the sunís

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