Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The conduct of the participants of this festival was so offensive, that it was
outlawed in Rome in 186 BC. Considering all that went on during those days in
Rome, itís hard to imagine how bad it must have been to become illegal!

More evidence linking Bacchus to Nimrod is the representations of him in the
ancient arts. Like Nimrod he too was depicted with horns.

The horned god is the classic god of witchcraft.

ìIn this one god we see all the aspects of the traditional
Wiccan god: Horned godÖgod of the Underworld, son/lover of
the goddess.î 8

Through those references, we can also see the connection to Nimrod and
Semiramis, his wife/mother.

On page 14, there is a picture of the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, which is also
linked to Nimrod. The creature in that representation is from Greek mythology
called a centaur. Centaurs were known for their weakness for wine and drink,
possibly tying them to Bacchus as well.

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