Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
The Vatican Obelisk

In the middle of the Vatican
ìWheelî is an obelisk. Not only is
the obelisk the symbol of the
Egyptian sun god, but it is also a
phallic symbol of the ìHorned godî
of witchcraft; a representation of
the sun god that rises from the
sleep of death at the Winter
Solstice. This obelisk is also used
as an indicator for when the
Summer and Winter Solstices will

ìthe phallus, or of its inoffensive substitute, the obelisk,
[rises] as an emblem of resurrection by the tomb of buried
Deity.î 4

Revealing her attitude towards true Christianity, the Roman Church erected this
relic from Egypt in the center of Saint Peters Square, which was once the center
of Emperor Neroís Great Circus. During the games, Nero would crucify Christians
around it and sometimes he would use them as human torches to light the arena.
Perhaps these faithful Christians were martyred at the ends of the eight spokes in
honor of the sun god and the goddess!

ìThe square was built over a part of the ancient Vatican
Circus (or Nero's Circus, though actually built by Caligula),
of which there remains the so-called ëVatican Obeliskí,
transported here in 37 BC from Alexandria, where it
decorated Caesar's Forum.î 5

This stone pillar is also known as the Heliopolis obelisk. This ancient Egyptian
city of Heliopolis played an integral part in the rites of sun god worship.

ìEgyptian theology called [Heliopolis] Per-Re (ëCity of
ReíÖwhich can be translated with ëCity of the
Suní)ÖHeliopolis was the centre of sun worship in Egypt.
At first it was the god Tem that was revered, but he was later
considered as form of Re. The temple of Heliopolis was for
centuries during the New Kingdom (1570-1085 BCE) among
the most important cult centres of EgyptÖî 6 (emphasis mine)
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