Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The Pharaoh Akhenaton, like all pharaohs, was a faithful adherent of sun
worship. His decree shows that this ancient city is tied to Nimrod, the bull being
the symbol of the son of Cush.

ìAkhenaton even made special provisions for the Mnevis Bull,
sacred animal of Heliopolis, to be buried in the hills near his
new city.î 10

By placing this stone edifice in the center of Saint Peterís Square, the Roman
Institution has placed a seal of approval on the atrocities committed by Nero
against the Christians.

It also appears that the Vatican has tried to replace Heliopolis in the modern
world. The Church of Rome boasts one of the largest religious libraries in the
world. Like the ancient city, the writings are for the most part dedicated to sun god
worship, but now they are cloaked in the guise of Christianity.

ìHeliopolis was also the main centre in Egypt for writing of
religious literature.î 11

Yule logs

To those that practice Wicca and Celtic witchcraft, the celebration of Yule is still
held in very high regard to this day.

Trees play a large in this celebration.

ìIt has long been the custom to decorate a sacred tree at this
time, an ancient custom recalling a time when Divinity was
believed to dwell in trees.î 12

During the Yule season, Pagan families would bring a tree into their home so
that the wood spirits would have a place to keep warm during the cold winter
months. Bells were hung in the limbs so you could tell when a spirit was present.
Food and treats were suspended from the branches for the spirits to eat and a
five-pointed star called the pentagram (symbol of the horned god) was placed
atop the tree.

ìChristmas trees predate all Yule traditions, having started
with animistic tree worshippers trying to appease the
powerful spirit that defeated winters grasp ñ the pine.î 13

Another practice that is still common during the season today is the Yule log.
The custom of burning the Yule Log was performed to honor the Great Mother
goddess. Using the remains of the log from the previous year, a figure of the sun
(a rayed disc) or the symbol of the Horned god (a pentagram) was carved into or
drawn on the log.

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