Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
Santa and his Merry Band of Elves

Another one of the traditions about the Jolly Old Elf is setting out milk and
cookies to show appreciation for bringing the gifts to your home. In her book
entitled ìTeen Witch, Wicca for a New Generationî, self proclaimed witch and
author Silver Ravenwolf states that after ìinvoking the locker elves to protect your
locker at schoolî, the new witch should make an effort to thank the elves for
watching out for them.

ìAt home, set the milk and honey outside to nourish the
fairies.î 9

Santa also bares a striking resemblance to one of the gods of Wicca known as
the Holly King. Just like Santa, the Holly King also gave magical Yule gifts to

According to the legends of Wicca and Celtic witchcraft, at the Winter and
Summer Solstice, the Holly King and the Oak King are twins that battle for the
hand of the Goddess. The Holly King wins and rules from the Summer Solstice.
The Oak King wins at Winter Solstice and rules until they battle again. Both of
them die after mating with the goddess and are subsequently resurrected.

This resurrection of the Holly King is represented in his winter battle with the
Oak King when the old sun dies so that the new sun can be reborn. Because the
Holly King rules during the cold winter months, he is known as ìthe god of
darknessî. His brother the Oak King rules during the summer months when the
days are longer and is known as ìthe god of lightî. It is believed that this cycle of
war between these two brothers has been going on for many millennia to keep the
Earth in the balance of dark and light.

Look at these two pictures above. Think you know who you are looking at? Do
these appear to be the same? Of course they do. BUT, the picture on the left is
the Holly King. The one on the right is supposed to be Santa Claus. The deer
pictured with the Holly King are also a tie to the ìHorned godî of paganism.

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