Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
The Blessed Virgin in Fatima encouraged acts of ìmortificationî.

ìThe Catholic Almanac under ëApparitions of the Blessed
Virgin Maryí tells us that in Fatima, Portugal, ëMary appeared
six times between May 13 and Oct. 13, 1917, to three
children in a field called Cova da Iria near Fatima, north of
Lisbon. She recommended frequent recitation of the RosaryíÖ
The Almanac goes on saying that Mary urged ëworks of
mortification for the conversion of sinners; [and] called for

devotion to herself under the title of the Immaculate Heart.íî 18

These modes of penance include whipping, wearing chains or a belt of thorns
worn snugly around the waist and other such things.

ìWhipping as a form of SELF-DISCIPLINE is very frequently
recorded. Whipping was, of course, often imposed as a
PENANCE, when it was inflicted by another, or by
oneself...Almost universal in some eras was the wearing of
cords and chains tightly bound about the body beneath the
garments.î 19 (emphasis mine)

ìAs was the case with many of the saints, the cord cut deeply
into [the] flesh and it was said that worms bred in the deep
grooves.î 20

As the following account indicates, this practice had horrendous results. It is the
story of one Matt Talbot, an Irishman that is moving up the ladder towards
sainthood in the Roman Institution.

ìOn Sunday, June 7th, 1925, a dead body was brought in the
Corporation Ambulance to Jervis Street Hospital. On the body
being identified, it proved to be Mr. Matt Talbot and when we
the undersigned undressed the remains we found chains,
ropes and beads on the said body. Around the middle of his
waist were two chains and a knotted rope. One chain we took
to be an ordinary chain used as a horse trace, and the other a
little thinner. Both were entwined by a knotted rope and
medals were attached to the chain by cords. Both were deeply
imbedded in the flesh and rusted. Also on the left arm was
found a light chain wound tightly above the elbow, and on the
right arm above the elbow a knotted cord. On the left leg a
chain was bound around with a cord below the knee, and on
the right leg, in the same position, was some heavy knotted
cord. Around his neck were very big beads and attached to
same were a great many religious medals. Some of the medals
were as big as half-crown and others were ordinary sodality
medals. (Signed) - Charles Manners, Laurence Thornton.î 21
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