Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Like the Egyptian beliefs from times past concerning Isis and Horus,
Tequatlanopeuh was the mother of the sun god. To the Aztecs he was known as

The image of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the tilma is said to be pregnant, as
represented by the sash the apparition wore. An Aztec symbol hangs below this

ìThe little symbol of the forthcoming child that dangles
below it is the nagvioli flower, which represented
Huitzilopochtli, the great ferocious sun god of the Aztecs.
Guadalupe is mother of Huitzilipochtli.î 36

To reinforce the stranglehold that the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe has over the
peoples of the Americaís, Pope John Paul II officially proclaimed Juan Diego a
saint in July 2002.

However, there are some within the Roman Institution that doubt the legitimacy
of the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Monsignor Guillermo Schulenburg
was appointed by Pope John XXIII to the life long position of abbot of the Basilica
de Guadalupe in Mexico City. He served in that position for 33 years.

ìIn a 1995 interview with the Jesuit magazine Ixtus, Father
Schulenburg said Juan Diego ëis a symbol, not a realityí and
he called Juan Diego's 1990 beatification by Pope John Paul II
ërecognition of a cult. It is not recognition of the physical, real
existence of a person.í He soon retired as abbot of the
Guadalupe shrine following the controversy caused by his
remarks.î 37

There are many that disagree with the proclamation of sainthood for Juan
Diego. But the Archbishop of Mexico Cardinal Norberto Rivera fore warned those
that dared to oppose this papal decree that they will be excommunicating
themselves from the Roman Catholic Church.

ìëIf Juan Diego ends up being canonized and the Pope
proclaims this before the world and someone opposes it,
there's no need for excommunication,í Rivera told reporters
after Mass on Sunday. ëNo one needs to say ìyou have been
excommunicatedî; he is excommunicating himself from the
church.íî 38

Cardinal Rivera is one of the men considered to take the place of Pope John
Paul II after his demise.

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