Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
4) In the year 1666, 134 years after the alleged apparition
occurred, what amounts to a ìmock investigationî was held by the
Church of New Spain who wanted the Vatican to approve a feast
day, mass and office devoted to Guadalupe. The investigators
brought in a string of ìwitnessesî and scripted an ìinvestigationî
which was not held to reveal the truth of the apparition but to see
whether a ìtraditionî of devotion to Guadalupe had been going on.
The witnesses were ìledî by the questioning to say what the
investigators - who were strongly biased toward getting the feast
day approved - wished to hear. When you look at the dates and
events, which the witnesses gave in their ìtestimonyî you clearly
see a pattern of deception - the dates and events don't match up.

The foremost historian in Mexico, Garcia Icazbalceta, whose
classic biography of Archbishop Zumarraga was published in 1881
made the following comment about that 1666 testimony:

ìWhen I see grave priests and illustrious gentlemen affirm the
same falsehood, I cannot but be confused, considering how
far moral contagion and the straying of religious feeling can
go. There is no room for saying that these witnesses
knowingly came close to perjury, but it is evident that they
affirmed under oath what was not true.î

After an intensive and thorough examination of the tilma in 1883,
Icazbalceta conceded that the image was in fact a fraud. In his
report to Catholic Archbishop Labastida (who had directed
Icazbalceta to investigate the tilma), Icazbalceta stated:

ìWith all my heart, I had hoped this miracle which would
prove to be such a great honor for my country would prove to
be true, But I do not find it to be. If we are obliged to believe in
and proclaim miracles which have occurred, we are also
prohibited from publicizing false ones.íí

The Crown of Mary

Although Mary was proclaimed the Queen of Heaven in 432, it took over 1500
years for the Catholic Church to make it valid.

Pope Pius XII, another man totally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of the
Roman Institution, had seen the same brighter then the sun sign that others had
witnessed. In 1954 he made the official decree that formally crowned Mary the
Queen of Heaven.

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