Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ì [Tibet], in China, and [in] Japan, the Jesuit missionaries
were astonished to find the counterpart of Madonna and her
child as devoutly worshipped as in Papal Rome itself; (they
found) Shing Moo, the Holy Mother in China, being
represented with a child in her arms, and a glory around her
(a nimbus), exactly as if a Roman Catholic artist had been
employed to set her up.î 46

ìShing-Moo, ëHoly Motherí is the typical mother-goddess,
who conceived and bore her son while yet a virgin.î 47

What the Jesuit missionaries found in Asia is just further evidence of the religion
of the goddess that was spread throughout the world after the Tower of Babel was

The Virgin goddess is highly exalted in the Roman Institution.

ìWhile, therefore, we endeavor in every way to preserve the
rights of the [Catholic] Church and to obviate or repel
present or contingent dangers, We constantly seek for help
from Heaven ó the sole means of effecting anything ó that
our labors and our care may obtain their wished for object.
We deem that there could be no surer and more efficacious
means to this end than by religion and piety to obtain the
favor of the great Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, the
guardian of our peace and the minister to us of heavenly
grace, who is placed on the highest summit of power and
glory in Heaven, in order that she may bestow the help of
her patronage on men who through so many labors and
dangers are striving to reach that eternal city.î 48 (emphasis mine)

The following depictions of the Mother Goddess and Infant are from different lands and
cultures. Notice the nimbus around the head of Devki and Krishna.

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