Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Like the visions concerning the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the
papacy has turned a blind eye to the truth concerning Dominic, which should
also lend suspicion about the validity of the Rosary itself. Especially to itís being
of Christian origin.

ìYet, it appears that this argument of silence put forth by
the Bollandists did not seem to outweigh (in the mind of
succeeding Popes) the impact of the centuries-old tradition
concerning St. Dominic and the Rosary; for Popes coming
after the 17th century continued to refer to St. Dominic in
connection with the beginnings of the Rosary.î 14

For centuries popes have used the Rosary to exalt the Catholic goddess above
the Lord Jesus Christ.

ìWhoever spreads the Rosary is saved!î ñ Pope John Paul II 15

ìSpread the Rosary, the prayer so dear to the Virgin and so
esteemed by popesÖThe Rosary puts all who have trust in it
into communication with Our Lady.î ñ Pope Paul VI 16

ìThe Rosary elevates minds to the truths reveled by God
and shows us Heaven opened. The Virgin Mary Herself has
insistently recommended this manner of praying. All Graces
are conceded to us by God through the hands of Mary.î ñ
Pope Pius XI 17

ìThe Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the
most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the
remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There
is no more excellent way of praying.î ñ Pope Leo XIII 18

The prayers surrounding the Rosary never change and faithful Catholics are
encouraged to pray the Rosary many times a day. This is an admittedly
repetitious prayer.

ìThe rosary employs repetitionÖî 19

However godly the rosary appears to be, or is claimed to be; the Word of God
does not condone this type of repetitious prayer. The Bible equates these kinds
of prayers with heathenism.

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