Mathematical Tools for Physics - Department of Physics - University

(nextflipdebug2) #1
12—Tensors 304

I am seeking a wave solution for the field, so assume a solutionE~




=E~ 0 ei~k.~r−ωt. Each∇brings

down a factor ofi~kand each time derivative a factor−iω, so the equation is



k.E~ 0


+k^2 E~ 0 =μ 0 ω^2 α


E 0


+μ 0  0 ω^2 E~ 0 (12.26)

This is a linear equation for the vectorE~ 0.

A special case first: A vacuum, so there is no medium andα≡ 0. The equation is


k^2 −μ 0  0 ω^2


E 0 −~k


k.E~ 0


= 0 (12.27)

Pick a basis so thatzˆis along~k, then


k^2 −μ 0  0 ω^2


E 0 −z kˆ^2 zˆ.E~ 0 = 0 or in matrix notation,


k^2 −μ 0  0 ω^2


1 0 0

0 1 0

0 0 1


0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 1

E 0 x

E 0 y

E 0 z

This is a set of linear homogeneous equations for the components of the electric field. One solution

forE~is identically zero, and this solution is uniqueunlessthe determinant of the coefficients vanishes.

That is (

k^2 −μ 0  0 ω^2

) 2 (

−μ 0  0 ω^2


= 0

This is a cubic equation forω^2. One root is zero, the other two areω^2 =k^2 /μ 0  0. The eigenvector

corresponding to the zero root has components the column matrix( 0 0 1 ), orE 0 x= 0andE 0 y= 0

with thez-component arbitrary. The field for this solution is

E~=E 0 zeikzz,ˆ then ∇.E~=ρ/ 0 =ikE 0 zeikz

This is a static charge density, not a wave, so look to the other solutions. They are

E 0 z= 0, withE 0 x, E 0 yarbitrary and~k.E~ 0 =∇.E~= 0

E~=(E 0 xxˆ+E 0 yyˆ)eikz−iωt and ω^2 /k^2 = 1/μ 0  0 =c^2

This is a plane, transversely polarized, electromagnetic wave moving in thez-direction at velocity

ω/k= 1/

μ 0  0.

Now return to the case in whichα 6 = 0. If the polarizability is a multiple of the identity, so that

the dipole moment density is always along the direction ofE~, all this does is to add a constant to 0 in

Eq. (12.26). 0 → 0 +α=, and the speed of the wave changes fromc= 1/

μ 0  0 tov= 1/

μ 0 

The more complicated case occurs whenαis more than just multiplication by a scalar. If the

medium is a crystal in which the charges can be polarized more easily in some directions than in others,

αis a tensor. It is a symmetric tensor, though I won’t prove that here. The proof involves looking at

energy dissipation (rather, lack of it) as the electric field is varied. To compute I will pick a basis, and

choose it so that the components ofαform a diagonal matrix in this basis.

Pick ~e 1 =ˆx, ~e 2 =y, ~eˆ 3 =zˆ so that (α) =

α 11 0 0

0 α 22 0

0 0 α 33

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