Mathematical Tools for Physics - Department of Physics - University

(nextflipdebug2) #1
12—Tensors 316

The way that the scalar product looks in terms of these bases, Eq. (12.33) is







i (12.48)

Compare the two equations (12.46) and (12.48) and you see





For a formal proof of this statement consider three cases. When the particle is moving along thex^1

direction (x^2 &x^3 constant) only one term appears on each side of (12.46) and (12.48) and you can

divide byv^1 =dx^1 /dt. Similarly forx^2 andx^3. As usual with partial derivatives, the symbol∂f



assumes that the other coordinatesx^2 andx^3 are constant.

For polar coordinates this equation for the gradient reads, using Eq. (12.41),












( 1





which is the standard result, Eq. (8.27). Notice again that the basis vectors are not dimensionless.

They can’t be, because∂f/∂rdoesn’t have the same dimensions as∂f/∂φ.




0 1






I want an example to show that all this formalism actually gives the
correct answer in a special case for which you can also compute all the
results in the traditional way. Draw parallel lines a distance 1 cm apart
and another set of parallel lines also a distance 1 cm apart intersecting

at an angleαbetween them. These will be the constant values of the

functions defining the coordinates, and will form a coordinate system

labeledx^1 andx^2. The horizontal lines are the equationsx^2 = 0,

x^2 = 1cm,etc.

Take the case of the non-orthogonal rectilinear coordinates again. The components ofgradfin

the~e^1 direction is∂f/∂x^1 , which is the derivative offwith respect tox^1 holdingx 2 constant, and

this derivative isnotin the direction along~e^1 , but in the direction wherex^2 =a constant and that is

along thex^1 -axis, along~e 1. As a specific example to show that this makes sense, take a particularf

defined by

f(x^1 ,x^2 ) =x^1

For this function gradf=~e^1







~e^1 is perpendicular to thex^2 -axis, the line x 1 =constant, (as it should be). Its magnitude is the

magnitude of~e^1 , which is one.

To verify that this magnitude is correct, calculate it directly from the definition. The magnitude

of the gradient is the magnitude ofdf/dwhereis measured in the direction of the gradient, that is,

in the direction~e^1.








= 1.1 = 1

Why 1 fordx^1 /d`? The coordinate lines in the picture arex^1 = 0, 1 , 2 ,.... When you move on the

straight line perpendicular tox^2 =constant (~e^1 ), and go fromx^1 = 1tox^2 = 2, then both∆x^1 and

∆sare one.

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