Mathematical Tools for Physics - Department of Physics - University

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13—Vector Calculus 2 333

I need only therˆcomponent of the curl because the surface integral uses only the normal (ˆr)

component. The surface integral of this has the area elementdA=r^2 sinθdθdφ.


∫θ 0


R^2 sinθdθ

∫ 2 π





CRcos^2 φ2 sinθcosθ+BRθ^2 sinφ



∫θ 0


∫ 2 π


dφ 2 Ccos^2 φsinθcosθ

=R^22 Cπsin^2 θ 0 /2 =CR^2 πsin^2 θ 0

The other side of Stokes’ theorem is the line integral around the circle at angleθ 0.


∫ 2 π


rsinθ 0 dφCrsinθcos^2 φ


∫ 2 π


dφCR^2 sin^2 θ 0 cos^2 φ

=CR^2 sin^2 θ 0 π (13.27)

and the two sides of the theorem agree. Check! Did I get the overall signs right? The direction of

integration around the loop matters. A further check: Ifθ 0 =π, the length of the loop is zero and

both integrals give zero as they should.

Conservative Fields
An immediate corollary of Stokes’ theorem is that if the curl of a vector field is zero throughout a region
then line integrals are independent of path in that region. To state it a bit more precisely, in a volume

for which any closed path can be shrunk to a point without leaving the region, if the curl of~vequals

zero, then


F~.d~rdepends on the endpoints of the path, and not on how you get there.

To see why this follows, take two integrals from pointato pointb.


~v.d~r and



a b



The difference of these two integrals is






This equations happens because the minus sign is the same thing that you get by integrating in the

reverse direction. For a field with∇×~v= 0, Stokes’ theorem says that this closed path integral is

zero, and the statement is proved.
What was that fussy-sounding statement “for which any closed path can be shrunk to a point
without leaving the region?” Consider the vector field in three dimensions, written in rectangular and
cylindrical coordinates,

~v=A(xyˆ−yxˆ)/(x^2 +y^2 ) =Aφ/rˆ (13.28)

You can verify (in either coordinate system) that its curl is zero — except for thez-axis, where it is

singular. A closed loop line integral that doesn’t encircle thez-axis will be zero, but if it does go around

the axis then it is not. The vector’s directionθˆalways points counterclockwise around the axis. See

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