- Fatigue
- Maintenance of ADL
- Sensitivity to heat or cold
- Weight level
- Bowel habits
- Level of appetite
- Urination, thirst, salt craving
- Ask the client:
- Cardiovascular status: blood pressure, heart rate, palpitations, SOB
- Vision: changes, tearing, eye edema
- Neurologic: numbness/tingling lips or extremities, nervousness, hand tremors, mood
changes, memory changes, sleep patterns
- Integumentary: hair changes, skin changes, nails, bruising, wound healing
Most Common Endocrine Disorders
- Thyroid abnormalities
- Diabetes mellitus
Diagnostic Tests
- GH: fasting, well rested, not physically stressed
- T3/T4, TSH: no specific preparation
- Serum calcium/phosphate: fasting may or may not be required
- Cortisol/aldosterone level
- 24 urine collection to measure the level of catacholamines (epinephrine,
norepinephrine, dopamine).
Thyroid Disorders
- Cretinism
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Thyroiditis