Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1

Nursing intervention

Explain importance of monthly breast self-examination

Encourage patient to seek medical evaluation if nodule forms, because cystic
disease may interfere with early diagnosis of breast malignancy

Malignant Neoplasms: Breast Cancer

Second major cause of cancer death among women. Statistics indicate that 1 in 10 will

develop cancer sometime during her life.

The key to cure is early detection by physical examination, mammography, and breast


Risk factors for Breast Cancer

Female gender

Increasing age

Personal history of breast cancer

Family history of breast cancer

Genetic mutations (BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 mutations are responsible for majority of
inherited breast cancer cases)

Late menopause


Hormonal factors: Early menarche, First child after 30 years of age, Hormone
therapy (HT)

Exposure to ionizing radiation during adolescence and early adulthood

History of benign proliferative breast disease
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