Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1

 Identifies postoperative sensations and recognizes that they are a normal part of
 Exhibits clean, dry, and intact surgical incisions without signs of inflammation
or infection
 Lists the signs and symptoms of infection to be reported to the nurse or surgeon
 Verbalizes feelings regarding change in body image
 Discusses meaning of the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and fears appropriately
 Participates actively in self-care activities
o Performs exercises as prescribed
o Participates in self-care activities as prescribed
 Discusses issues of sexuality and resumption of sexual relations
 Demonstrates knowledge of postdischarge recommendations and restrictions
o Describes follow-up care and activities
o Demonstrates appropriate care of incisions and drainage system
o Demonstrates arm exercises and describes exercise regimen and activity
limitations during postoperative period
o Describes care of affected arm and hand and lists indications to contact
the surgeon or nurse
 Experiences no complications
o Identifies signs and symptoms of reportable complications (eg, redness,
heat, pain, edema)
o Explains how to contact appropriate health care providers in case of

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