Identifies postoperative sensations and recognizes that they are a normal part of
Exhibits clean, dry, and intact surgical incisions without signs of inflammation
or infection
Lists the signs and symptoms of infection to be reported to the nurse or surgeon
Verbalizes feelings regarding change in body image
Discusses meaning of the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and fears appropriately
Participates actively in self-care activities
o Performs exercises as prescribed
o Participates in self-care activities as prescribed
Discusses issues of sexuality and resumption of sexual relations
Demonstrates knowledge of postdischarge recommendations and restrictions
o Describes follow-up care and activities
o Demonstrates appropriate care of incisions and drainage system
o Demonstrates arm exercises and describes exercise regimen and activity
limitations during postoperative period
o Describes care of affected arm and hand and lists indications to contact
the surgeon or nurse
Experiences no complications
o Identifies signs and symptoms of reportable complications (eg, redness,
heat, pain, edema)
o Explains how to contact appropriate health care providers in case of
tina sui
(Tina Sui)