Medical Surgical Nursing

(Tina Sui) #1
o Maintain patient on controlled ventilation if prescribed to maintain
normal ventilatory status; monitor arterial blood gas results to determine
respiratory status.
o Elevate the head of the bed as prescribed.
o Administer nothing by mouth until active coughing and swallowing
reflexes are demonstrated, to prevent aspiration.

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for imbalanced fluid volume related to intracranial
pressure or diuretics
Goal: Attainment of fluid and electrolyte balance

 Monitor for polyuria, especially during first postoperative week; diabetes
insipidus may develop in patients with lesions around the pituitary or
o Monitor urinary specific gravity.
o Monitor serum and urinary electrolyte levels.
 Evaluate patient's electrolyte status; patients may retain water and sodium.
o Early postoperative weight gain indicates fluid retention; a greater-than-
estimated weight loss indicates negative water balance.
o Loss of sodium and chloride can produce weakness, lethargy, and coma.
o Low potassium levels can cause confusion, decreased level of
responsiveness, and cardiac dysrhythmias.
 Weigh patient daily; keep intake and output record.
 Administer prescribed IV fluids cautiously—rate and composition depend on
fluid deficit, urine output, and blood loss. Fluid intake and fluid losses should
remain relatively equal.

Nursing Diagnosis: Disturbed sensory perception (visual/auditory) related to
periorbital edema and head dressings
Goal: Compensate for sensory deprivation; prevent injury

 Perform supportive measures until the patient can care for self.
o Change position as indicated; position changes can increase ICP.
o Administer prescribed analgesics (eg, codeine) that do not mask the
level of responsiveness.
 Use measures prescribed to relieve signs of periocular edema.
o Lubricate eyelids and around eyes with petrolatum.
o Apply light, cold compresses over eyes at specified intervals.
o Observe for signs of keratitis if cornea has no sensation.
 Put extremities through range-of-motion exercises.
 Evaluate and support patient during episodes of restlessness.
o Evaluate for airway obstruction, distended bladder, meningeal irritation
from bloody CSF.
o Pad patient's hands and bed rails to prevent injury.
 Reinforce blood-stained dressings with sterile dressing; blood-soaked dressings
act as a culture medium for bacteria.
 Orient patient frequently to time, place, and person.

Monitor and Manage Complications

 Cerebral edema
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