MLARTC_FM.part 1.qxp

(Chris Devlin) #1
say that Bruce Lee is the “gold standard,” the best role model for aspiring
martial artists to emulate.

Stripped to Its Essentials
Although Bruce Lee hated to refer to Jeet Kune Do as a style or system,
there was a distinct flavor or character to Lee’s personal way of fighting.
Lee stated, “It is basically a sophisticated fighting style stripped to its es-
sentials” (Pollard 1986, 46). After carefully examining various forms of
combat, Lee found that the simplest techniques were almost always the
most effective. He also utilized direct lines of attack and offensive responses
in his defense rather than wasting time and energy with passive blocking.
Furthermore, Lee would not be limited by any style or system, so he re-

204 Jeet Kune Do

Actor, martial artist,
and creator of Jeet
Kune Do Bruce Lee
(1940–1973), shown
here during a fight
sequence in the film
Way of the Dragon.
(Hulton Archive)
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