Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 103

nearly as much Longvida as you would with traditional curcumin supple-
ments. That’s right: no megadoses (and the stomach upset that can come
along with them), no dozens of daily pills. To get the full dose of curcumin to
achieve the kind of results you’re looking for, you only need a little Longvida.

Runaway proteins disrupt brain function,

but Longvida helps restore it

We don’t know enough about Alzheimer’s disease, but we do know this.
People with the condition tend to have excess harmful proteins in their brains.
The two main proteins we know about, amyloid beta and tau, create disrup-
tive plaques that interfere with proper brain function...and lead to severe and
devastating cognitive decline.

The protein problem gets even more complicated. The buildup can be
caused by a combination of overproduction and lack of clearing—your body
makes too much of it, and doesn’t get rid of the excess. When that happens,
the protein clumps up (into plaques), sneaks into and clogs nerve cells, and
blocks normal brain activity. It also sets off inflammation (which we’ll talk
more about in a minute).

Right now, the pharmaceutical industry primarily targets amyloid beta
with its Alzheimer’s drugs, which really don’t get the job done but do open
up the risk for serious side effects. And if the brain is riddled with tau instead,
well, these drugs do absolutely nothing. Current drugs aim to target one or the
other, but none can handle both.

Longvida, on the other hand, takes on both amyloid beta and tau—and
wins. In a study that will be published later this year (making this information
confidential), scientists discovered that Longvida could reverse memory deficit
in both amyloid and tau animal models. Meaning that animals with either
kind of protein overload that made them forget things were able to remember
them once again after being treated with Longvida.

That’s because curcumin (when it’s able to get to the brain in sufficient
levels) can break up those protein clumps like nothing else. Add in the special
absorption powers of Longvida, and you’ve got a real effective weapon against
Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin protects, preserves, and restores brain function

In addition to its plaque-destroying powers, curcumin plays a key role in
optimal brain functioning. It does so much to protect and preserve your brain,
even treats neurological disease.

  • Actually protects the blood brain barrier from damage^1

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