Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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130 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

One amazing molecule can turn everything around

That supplement did one simple thing: increase Mawmaw’s nitric oxide levels.
It’s just one little molecule, but it has the power over life and death. If your
body is flooded with too much of it, there can be toxic effects. If you don’t
have enough, your body starts to break down, becoming ever more vulnerable
to coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease,
and so much more.

And this amazing molecule can literally pull someone back from the brink
of death.

But that’s not all it can do.

Prevent horrible health problems and

reverse existing damage with NO

Nitric oxide didn’t win “Molecule of the Year” for nothing.
Here are just a few of the very important ways it keeps you alive.

  • Stops artery-clogging blood clots from forming

  • Reverses arterial plaque build-up

  • Prevents high blood pressure

  • Lowers C-reactive protein

  • Slashes triglyceride levels
    And with that protection, NO reduces your risk of heart attack and
    stroke...two of the top three killers of Americans. On top of that, the miracle
    molecule can reduce your risk of devastating diabetes complications, including
    kidney disease, blindness, and amputations.

How does one molecule do so much

to keep you alive and well?

Nitric oxide sends signals between the cells in your body, and extremely
pretty important signals at that. In fact, there’s not a single cell in your body
that isn’t sending or receiving messages via NO. But its most important work
is in your circulatory system...and should those messages go haywire, the con-
sequences can be deadly.

It all centers around your endothelium (the cells that line every blood ves-
sel in your body) which have the critical job of producing NO. The NO enters
the smooth muscles of your arteries, and signals those muscles to relax (the
technical term is vasodilation). That lets your blood flow increase to healthy
levels, giving your body its full supply of oxygen and nutrients.

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