Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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134 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

And then there’s the beet root, which in addition to its nitrate content has
been shown to lower high cholesterol^8 and lower blood pressure.^9

But the NO-producing formula doesn’t stop there.

Four NO-boosting ingredients round

out the NEO40 formula

NEO40 Daily also includes magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and
L-citrulline. Together, along with the herbal blend, these ingredients work to
provide your body with a source of nitric oxide when your endothelium just
can’t product enough.

Magnesium is an essential mineral with a huge impact on your cardiovas-
cular system. Among other things, magnesium helps directly counteract ath-
erosclerosis^10 and provides serious protection against heart attack and stroke.

Vitamin C promotes the availability of NO in your body, so you can use
it most effectively. It also strengthen your arteries, and protects their structural
integrity^11. And like magnesium, it can help prevent heart attack and stroke.
On top of all that, let’s not forget that it’s a potent antioxidant, with very
powerful free radical scavenging capabilities.

Vitamin B12 plays a very important role in your cardiovascular system:
you can’t make red blood cells without it (in fact, vitamin B12 deficiency can
cause anemia). L-citrulline is directly involved in NO production. It does that
by naturally converting to L-arginine, a form that’s much easier for your body
to use than if the L-arginine comes from supplements. Plus, L-citrulline has
been shown (in an animal study) to reverse the progression of atherosclerosis.^12

With this unique blend of NO-increasing ingredients, all of which do
double duty to directly protect your cardiovascular system, NEO40 lozenges
may just save your life.

Is low NO killing dialysis patients?

Dialysis patients have an especially high death rate from cardiovascular events,
and Dr. Bryan thinks he might know why. His theory: Dialysis decreases NO. And
this soon-to-be-published study backs it up.
You see, low concentrations of nitrite and nitrate in the blood and saliva trans-
lates to lower NO in the body. So Dr. Bryan and his fellow researchers measured
nitrite and nitrate levels in dialysis patients before, during, and after the procedure.
And they learned that dialysis could remove up to 90% of the patients’ nitrite and
nitrate, which in turn could have a profound negative on their NO levels.^13
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