Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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10 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine

Taking citicoline can help make sure that your brain has more acetylcho-
line—and that means better memory, concentration, mood, and sleep for you.

Citicoline boosts many more critical

brain chemicals to keep your mind sharp

Citicoline affects a lot more than acetylcholine, though. It also plays an
important role in other brain-critical compounds like dopamine, norepineph-
rine, uridine, and phosphatidylcholine (PS).

Let’s start with dopamine, a crucial brain chemical that citicoline helps
your body manage and maintain more efficiently. Dopamine is especially
important because deficiency of this chemical has been implicated in Alzhei-
mer’s—and correcting that problem could help treat the disease.

Norepinephrine is another crucial brain chemical, and citicoline seems to
increase its levels. Many AD patients have been found to lack norepinephrine,
so restoring higher levels could help turn the disease around. And this neu-
rotransmitter is well known for increasing alertness and attention span, and
enhancing memory and learning.

Then there’s uridine, which has been found to be directly responsible for
brain cell regeneration in lab studies. It’s also been found to clearly support
memory retention. It also plays a key role in the generation of phosphatidyl-
choline (you’ll see how important that is in a second). Most important, uri-
dine is being looked at as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease because
of its ability to improve brain function.

Phosphatidylcholine (PS) is an essential fatty acid that your brain needs
to function at its best—and citicoline increases the total amount of PS in
the brain. In fact, it can even restore deficient levels to normal, and that can
make a huge difference in brain power. It helps keep your brain cells in peak
condition, and boosts neurotransmitter activity so that cell messages get where
they need to go. And dozens of studies show that adding PS to the mix greatly
improves learning and memory.

Real people are seeing real results

Citicoline—sold under the brand name Cognizin®—can do wonders
for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, but it can also
improve everyone’s memory, mood, and cognition. Here are just a few exam-
ples of the kind of difference citicoline can make.

Gina is a 55-year-old retired housewife. She said, “My husband has been ill
for several months and since I have been taking Cognizin it’s helped me keep

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