Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 55

spleen, liver, and kidneys. Each of these systems plays a part in strengthening the
lungs (in TCM, it’s called tonifying) and gently clearing phlegm from the body.

To that end, this formula contains 23 traditional Chinese herbs, each
adding a unique healing effect as well as increasing the restorative powers of
the other herbs. But these herbs don’t all carry equal weight. They’re lead by
the Emperor (the key herb), and four deputy herbs, to focus the formula on
strong lungs and easy breathing.

The Emperor and deputies direct the formula

to restoring lung power

Since your lungs are the key focus of Resprin, the Emperor in this formula
is a potent herb called platycodon (platycodon grandiflorum), which specializes
in restoring the proper lung qi balance (qi is life force). This herb goes right
to your lungs, where the qi movement helps expel phlegm.

The first deputy, peppermint, supports the Emperor by cooling the lungs (part
of the TCM concept of heat/cool balance) to help them expel phlegm, and help-
ing liver qi move. In TCM, an out-of-balance liver can keep you from breathing
deeply, so rebalancing the liver helps air move more easily through your lungs.

Schizonpeta, the second deputy, acts like a first line of defense for your
immune system (in TCM this is called ‘releasing the exterior’). It also acts as
a sort of wingman for the peppermint, helping move the liver qi.

The third deputy, poria, addresses the spleen, strengthening it so that it can
help your body process and transform phlegm, making that easier for your body to
deal with. Along with that, tonifying your spleen helps reduce phlegm production.

Ligusticum wallichii is the fourth and final deputy. This herb moves stuck
liver qi, and supports the Emperor and the other deputies.

These five key ingredients are further supported by the remaining ingredi-
ents, all adding a unique function to help you breathe easily and freely.

A synergistic mix of healing herbs gets

your breathing freely again

While the Emperor and deputies perform crucial healing functions, the 18
‘assistant’ herbs all pull their weight so you can breathe easily. And while they
all carry out critical duties, three stand out of the crowd.

  • Peucedanum works on the lungs, addressing copious
    phlegm and helping relieve obstructions

  • Asian ginseng is well-known for treating wheezing and
    shortness of breath, and also for resolving phlegm

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