Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 59

take it as soon as you feel that first twinge, you may avoid getting sick altogether.
But if you do fall ill, Super ViraGon can help you feel better—get better—fast.

Not only can this formula significantly shorten your infection time if you do
fall victim to the flu, it just might keep your infection from ever turning into a
full-blown flu attack. And, in the meantime, it offers solid relief against some of
the worst cold and flu symptoms, thanks to an intriguing new addition.

You see, HSI panelist Jon Barron developed the original version of this cold-
and-flu cure a few years ago (check out the HSI archives), but he’s just added two
long-proven homeopathic ingredients to help tackle even the most debilitating
symptoms more quickly and you feel better right away.

Those symptom soothers along with the anti-pathogen powers of the orig-
inal formula pack a fatal punch for cold and flu viruses...and so much more.

Along with nasty viruses, this formula proves deadly to bacteria, fungus,
and other microbes (like pneumonia) that might try to take advantage while
your immune system is busy fighting off the flu. It helps your body aggressive-
ly attack and destroy all kinds of invading germs, reduces your viral load by
making sure those germs can’t multiply, and starts you on the road to recovery
just as soon as you start taking it.

And it still gets better.
This anti-germ formula doesn’t cause negative, potentially deadly side
effects. None. But many of its ingredients also work to improve overall good
health. One, for example, has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of heart
attack^1. Another works as a potent (yet very safe) anti-inflammatory^2. A third
helps lower high blood pressure^3. (Dosages may be different than you’ll find
in this formula.) And the list goes on.

Homeopathic ingredients act like vaccines

to get you feeling better faster

Let me start by saying that homeopathic ingredients are not vaccines. They
just work on the same principle: A little of what makes you sick teaches your
body how to fight it better and faster.

Homeopathy is based on extremely diluted preparations that give your
body infinitesimally small levels of the symptoms you’re trying to get rid of.
So, for example, if you had a headache, a homeopathic remedy would cause a
teeny, tiny headache symptom. That lets your body work on a small scale to
figure out what to do with the major symptom.

The two homeopathic ingredients Dr. Barron added to his already power-
ful formula have been used for hundreds of years.

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