Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 61

63% fewer colds PLUS 70% faster recovery time

There are lots of studies proving just how well garlic kills viruses and bac-
teria in the lab. But the most interesting study I found proved that garlic can
help you get fewer colds—and if you do get a cold, it can help you recover
more than three times faster.^4

In this double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, volunteers (146
in total) took either a garlic capsule or placebo every day for twelve weeks,
between November and February (the heart of cold and flu season).

The people in the garlic group had a much better winter than those in the
placebo group.

  • Garlic takers had 63% fewer colds

  • The placebo group had 300% more sick days (a total of 366
    compared to just 111 in the garlic group)

  • The people in the garlic group who did get colds saw a much shorter
    duration, feeling sick for only 1.52 days (on average) compared to 5.01
    days for the placebo group—that’s 70% faster recovery!
    The conclusion: Garlic can help prevent the common cold. And if you do
    get hit with it, you’ll feel better more than three times as fast.

And its powers don’t stop with colds. Another study^5 found that mice
that were given garlic extract could not be given the flu. That’s right. Scien-
tists tried to give those mice the flu but it didn’t work. The next ingredient is
equally impressive, especially in the way it makes short work of viruses.

Stop viruses from causing infections

with this natural anti-viral

The next ingredient brings considerable antimicrobial powers to the Super
ViraGon formula, along with a long history of wiping out viral infections.
Olive leaf extract (OLE) has a well-deserved reputation. This natural extract
can kill off a broad range of harmful organisms, including bacteria and viruses.

In fact, OLE has been tested against many viruses and come out on top.
That’s probably because it interferes with the viruses’ ability to multiply, making
sure you don’t get slammed with even more virus cells. Because of that, OLE
helps prevent viruses from taking over and evolving into full-blown infections.

On top of that, OLE can knock out a wide range of bacteria, parasites,
yeasts, and fungus.

The source of its power is a bitter glucoside called oleuropein, found nat-
urally in the leaves of green olive trees. Like other plants, these olive trees have

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