Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 3

In fact, it can even be used together with bone resorption-slowing drugs,
for better results than you’d see with the drugs alone.

What’s more—there doesn’t appear to be any downside. Stine’s clinical
experience with Ostinol™ shows that the supplement is well-tolerated. In fact,
none of his patients have reported any negative effects. Rather, he’s seen many
positive outcomes...even in highly unlikely situations.

BMPs are proven effective and safe

Stine isn’t the only medical professional who’s used BMPs successfully. There
are forty years of research and twenty years of clinical experience behind the Osti-
nol™ formula—it’s safety and efficacy are very well-established. In fact, there have
been thousands of studies done on how BMPs work to form, fix, and stabilize
bone and cartilage.

And since the 90s, BMPs have become a standard for use in bone sur-
geries. There, a liquid extract is poured directly on to the bone to kickstart
healing...with an excellent success and safety record.

More recently, BMPs have been studied in connection with osteoarthritis
by Ostinol™ manufacturer, ZyCal Bioceuticals, Inc. (Osteoarthritis gets all
the study funding because results are more obvious and come much quicker.)
Here’s what their two in-house OA studies found:

The pilot study focused on six patients with mild to moderate joint pain and
stiffness, who were otherwise in good health. This small group of patients com-
pleted the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) questionnaires of pain and stiffness, at the
study’s outset. They all were given one tablet of Chondrinol® (a combination of
Ostinol™, glucosamine and chondroitin), three times daily. And by the end of just
one week, these subjects reported better than 50% reduction in pain and stiffness.

The encouraging (and very quick!) results from the pilot study prompted
a larger and more elaborate follow-up. The second study (which is currently
being submitted for medical review and publication in a major medical jour-
nal) was a Phase II, prospective, multi-center, open-label clinical trial. The

You might be losing bone...without even knowing it

You may be one of the estimated 18 million Americans have osteopenia—low
bone mass—even if you don’t know it. In the early stages, bone loss causes no
noticeable symptoms, but it does make your bones weaker, setting the stage for
full-blown osteoporosis.
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